Journal articles (in English) 

  1. Nasukawa, K., Song, G., & Kiyama, S. (in press). The empathetic utterance-final particle -ne in Japanese: A study on its phonological representation. Journal of Japanese Linguistics.
  2. Naoe, T., Tokimoto, S., Ma, Q., Wang, M., Koizumi, M., & Kiyama, S. (in press). The role of pitch accent in lexical recognition in Japanese: Evidence from event-related potential and gamma-band activity. Journal of Japanese Linguistics.
  3. Zhao, X., Xiong, K., & Kiyama, S. (in press).  Cross-language facilitatory and inhibitory effects in the naming of Japanese words by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals. Journal of Japanese Linguistics.
  4. Niikuni, K., Wang, M., Makuuchi, M., Koizumi, M., & Kiyama, S. (2022). Pupil dilation reflects emotional arousal via poetic language. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 129, 1691-1708. 
  5. Sung, Y-W., Kiyama, S., Choi, U-S., & Ogawa, S. (2022). Involvement of the intrinsic functional network of the red nucleus in complex behavioral processing. Cerebral Cortex Communications, 3, 1-8. 
  6. Wang, M., Tokimoto, S., Song, G., Ueno, T., Koizumi, M., & Kiyama, S. (2022). Different neural responses for unfinished sentence as a conventional indirect refusal between native and non-native speakers: An event-related potential study. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 13: 806023.
  7. Wang, M., Niikuni, K., Kato, S., Koizumi, M., & Kiyama, S. (2022). Individual depression tendencies impede emotional sensitivity to comic poetry. Tohoku Psychological Folia, 81, 45-53.
  8. Naoe, T., Ito, K., Makuuchi, M., & Kiyama, S. (2022). Correlations between the use of Japanese sentence-final particles -yo and -ne and individual differences in autistic and empathic traits. Tohoku Psychological Folia, 81, 27-44.
  9. Song, G., Nasukawa, K., & Kiyama, S. (2022). Alexithymic traits augment intensity of utterance-final particles -yo and -ne as socioemotional linguistic markers in Japanese. Tohoku Psychological Folia, 81, 15-26.
  10. Ito, K., Koizumi, M., & Kiyama, S. (2021). How native Japanese speakers solve ambiguous relative clauses in their L1 and L2: Evidence from the self-paced reading of Japanese and English. Buckeye East Asian Linguistics (BEAL), 5, 4-12.
  11. Kiyama, S., Choung, Y., & Takiura, M. (2019). Multiple factors act differently in decision making in the East Asian region: Assessing methods of self-construal using classification tree analysis. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 50, 1127-1139 (Special Section: Norms and Assessment of Communication Contexts).
  12. Ma, Q., Xie, T., Iwaki, N., & Kiyama, S. (2018). Chinese L2 learners' interpretation of empty subjects in Japanese sentences with sentence-final particles. Tohoku Psychological Folia, 77, 19-28.
  13. Kiyama, S., Verdonschot, R., Xiong, K., & Tamaoka, K. (2018). Individual mentalizing ability boosts flexibility toward a linguistic marker of social distance: An ERP investigation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 47, 1-15.
  14. Kiyama, S., Sun, M., Kim, J., Tamaoka, K., & Koizumi, M. (2017). Interference of context and bilinguality with the word order preference in Kaqchikel reversible sentences. Tohoku Psychological Folia, 75, 22-34.
  15. Kiyama, S., Takatori, Y., Lim, H., & Tamaoka, K. (2016). From universal perceptions to diverging behaviors: An exploratory comparison of responses to unreasonable accusations among the United States, Japan and South Korea. International Journal of Linguistics and Communication, 4, 19-33.
  16. Kanai, A., Kiyama, S., Goto, H., Tomita, H., Tanaka, A., Kunimi, M., Okada, T, & Nakai, T. (2016). Use of the sit-to-stand task to evaluate motor function of older adults using telemetry. BMC Geriatrics, 16: 121, 1-10. 
  17. Suzuki, A., Ito, Y., Kiyama, S., Kunimi, M., Ohira, H., Kawaguchi, J., Tanabe, H. C., & Nakai, T. (2016). Involvement of the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex in learning others’ bad reputations and indelible distrust. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10:28, 1-13.
  18. Kunimi, M., Kiyama, S., & Nakai, T. (2015). Investigation of age-related changes in brain activity during the divalent task-switching paradigm using functional MRI. Neuroscience Research, 103, 18-26.
  19. Kiyama, S., Kunimi, M., Iidaka, T., & Nakai, T. (2014). Distant functional connectivity during bimanual finger movements declines with aging: An fMRI and SEM exploration. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:251, 1-13.
  20. Koizumi, M., Yasugi, Y., Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., Kim, J., Ajsivinac Sian, J. E., & García Mátzar, L. P. O. (2014). On the (non-) universality of the preference for subject-object word order in sentence comprehension: A sentence processing study in Kaqchikel Maya. Language, 90, 722-736.
  21. Meerman, A. D., Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2014). To what extent does accent sensitivity provide the foundation for lexical knowledge and listening comprehension? Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 4, 457-464.
  22. Tamaoka, K., Saito, N., Kiyama, S., Timmer, K., & Verdonschot, R. (2014). Is pitch accent necessary for comprehension by native Japanese speakers? An ERP investigation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 27, 31-40.
  23. Kiyama, S., & Tamaoka, K. (2013). Response changes to the interlocutor’s face-saving and face-threatening attitudes: A DCT study of young native Japanese speakers. Studies in Language Sciences, 12, 16-43.
  24. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., Kim, J., & Koizumi, M. (2013). Effect of animacy on word order processing in Kaqchikel Maya. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 3, 203-207.
  25. Verdonschot, R.G., La Heij, W., Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., You, W-P., & Schiller, N.O. (2013). The multiple pronunciations of Japanese kanji: A masked priming investigation. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 66, 2023-2038. 
  26. Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., & Takiura, M. (2012). Applicability of Brown and Levinson's politeness theory to a non-Western culture: Evidence from Japanese facework behaviors. SAGE Open, October-December, 1-15.
  27. Tamaoka, K., & Kiyama, S. (2012). The effects of visual complexity for Japanese kanji processing with high and low frequencies. Reading and Writing, 26, 205-223.
  28. Tamaoka, K., Kiyama, S., & Chu, X-J. (2012). How do native Chinese speakers learning Japanese as a second language understand Japanese kanji homophones? Writing Systems Research, 4, 34-46.
  29. Verdonschot, R. G., Kiyama, S., Tamaoka, K., Kinoshita, S., La Heij, W., & Schiller, N. O. (2011). The functional unit of Japanese word naming: Evidence from masked priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 37, 1458-1473.
  30. Fukuda, E., Saklofske, D. H., Tamaoka, K., Miyaoka, Y., & Kiyama, S. (2011). Factor structure of Japanese versions of two emotional intelligence scales. International Journal of Testing, 11, 71-92.
  31. Tamaoka, K., Lim, H., Miyaoka, Y., & Kiyama, S. (2010). Effects of gender-identity and gender-congruence on levels of politeness among young Japanese and Koreans. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 20, 23-45.

Journal articles (in Japanese)

  1. 程鸝雅・木山幸子 (2021).「日本語の和語動詞文では意味役割が項省略に影響する: コーパスによる調査」『言語科学論集』25, 13-23.(東北大学大学院文学研究科)
  2. 馬瓊・木山幸子 (2021).「日本語母語話者の痛みのオノマトペの認知: 痛みの強さに焦点を当てて」『言語科学論集』25, 25-37.(東北大学大学院文学研究科)
  3. 鈴木あすみ・宋凌鋒・木山幸子. (2020). 「コーパスから見た日本語ぼかし言葉使用の変化: 文末の「みたいな」「的な」「って感じ」を例に」『東北大学言語学論集』29, 25-38.(東北大学言語学研究室)
  4. 哈 芸婕・木山 幸子. (2020).「自閉傾向は比喩理解に干渉する: 中国語のメタファーとシミリの反応時間の比較」『東北大学言語学論集』29, 39-51.(東北大学言語学研究室)
  5. 木山幸子 (2017).「日本語の話し言葉における対人距離の調節: 対者敬語と終助詞の使い分け」『三重大学教養教育機構研究紀要』2, 29-36.(三重大学教養教育機構)
  6. 張婧禕・木山幸子・玉岡賀津雄 (2015). 「中国語を母語とする日本語学習者による流行語の理解」『Language Education and Technology』51, 31-49. (外国語教育メディア学会)
  7. 國見充展・木山幸子・中井敏晴 (2013). 「生活機能評価 “基本チェックリスト” はワーキングメモリを反映するか?」『老年精神医学雑誌』24, 801-809. (日本老年精神医学会).
  8. 木山幸子・玉岡賀津雄・趙萍 (2011). 「外国語としての日本語 (JFL) の語用論的能力に関わる基礎的言語知識: 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者を例に」『言語教育評価研究』2, 2-14. (言語教育評価共同研究所: 国際交流基金・桜美林大学)
  9. 木山幸子・玉岡賀津雄 (2011). 「自他両用の「-化する」における自動詞用法と他動詞用法の比較: 新聞コーパスの用例に基づく多変量解析」『言語研究』139, 29-56. (日本言語学会)
  10. 玉岡賀津雄・木山幸子・宮岡弥生 (2011). 「新聞と小説のコーパスにおけるオノマトペと動詞の共起パターン」『言語研究』139, 57-84. (日本言語学会)
  11. 玉岡賀津雄・邱學瑾・宮岡弥生・木山幸子 (2010). 「中国語を母語とする日本語学習者によるかき混ぜ語順の文処理の習得: 聴解能力で分けた上位・中位・下位グループの比較」『日本語文法』10(1), 54-70. (日本語文法学会)

Book (in Japanese)

  1.  木山幸子・大沼卓也・新国佳祐・熊可欣 (2022).『ライブラリ心理学の杜7: 学習・言語心理学』サイエンス社.

Book chapters (in English)

  1. Naoe, T., Okimura, T., Iwabuchi, T., Kiyama, S., & Makuuchi, M. (2024). Chapter 10. Pragmatic atypicality of individuals with autism spectrum disorder: Preliminary results of a production study of sentence-final particles in Japanese. In M. Koizumi (Ed.). Issues in Japanese psycholinguistics from comparative perspectives. Volume 2: Interaction between linguistics and nonlinguistic factors (pp. 183-200). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  2. Kasai, M., Kiyama, S., Niikuni, K., Tokimoto, S., Cheng, L., Wang, M., Song, G., Todate, K., Suzuki, H., Mugikura, S., Ueno, T., & Koizumi, M. (2024). Chapter 11. Auditory comprehension of Japanese scrambled sentences by patients with aphasia: An ERP study. In M. Koizumi (Ed.). Issues in Japanese psycholinguistics from comparative perspectives. Volume 2: Interaction between linguistics and nonlinguistic factors (pp. 201-222). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
  3. Xiong, K., Niikuni, K., Muramoto, T., & Kiyama, S. (2023). Chapter 12. Asymmetric effects of sub-lexical orthographic/ phonological similarities on L1-Chinese and L2-Japanese visual word recognition. In M. Koizumi (Ed.) Issues in Japanese psycholinguistics from comparative perspectives. Volume 1: Cross-linguistic studies (pp. 211-229). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton. 
  4. Kiyama, S. (2022). Experimental pragmatics using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In Y. Miyamoto, M. Koizumi, H. Ono, K. Yatsushiro, & U. Sauerland (Eds.), Key concepts of experimental pragmatics (pp. 102-119). Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

Book chapters (in Japanese)

  1. 木山幸子 (2023).「社会的言語の個人差: 定型発達者における自閉傾向の影響」幕内充編『自閉スペクトラム症と言語 (pp. 117-133)』東京: ひつじ書房.
  2. 木山幸子・内藤真帆・小泉政利 (2022).「言語学: 人間の精神活動の精華の探求」東北大学文学部編『人文社会科学の未来へ: 東北大学文学部の実践 (pp. 91-107)』東北大学出版会.
  3. 木山幸子 (2020).「俳句の心理言語学的一考察: 定型詩を介した感情認知について」日本のローマ字社刊『ことばと文字:地球時代の日本語と文字を考える13 (pp. 35-43)』(特集: 俳句のことば、俳句の表記) くろしお出版.
  4. 木山幸子 (2018).「語用論」日本基礎心理学会編『基礎心理学実験法ハンドブック (pp. 282-283)』東京: 朝倉書店.
  5.  木山幸子 (2016). 「語用論調査法」加藤重広・滝浦真人編『語用論研究法ガイドブック (pp. 261-282)』 ひつじ書房.
  6.  木山幸子 (2013). 「語用論」認知心理学会編『認知心理学ハンドブック (pp. 248-249)』有斐閣

Book review (in Japanese) 

  1.  木山幸子 (2009). 「書評: 滝浦真人 (2008).『ポライトネス入門』(研究社)」『認知科学』16(1), 192-194.